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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 10/17/2011
Chichester Road Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
October 17th, 2011

Present: Doug Hall (Chairman), Tom Jameson, Terry McCormack, Dave Dobson, Jim Plunkett (Road Agent), Allen Mayville, Stan Brehm, John Amsden

Absent: Richard DeBold (Selectman)

Chainman Hall opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.
The September 12th and September 26th draft meeting minutes were approved.

The status of the RSMS (Road Surface Management System) was reviewed.  Some discrepancies
were noted.  It was also noted that the King Road is currently in the RSMS system as one section and that it should be split into three sections.  Jim will research and correct those noted discrepancies.  

There was considerable discussion of the projects scheduled for 2013 and 2014.  Motions were made, seconded and discussed concerning recommended projects for 2013 and 2014 as follows:

Decision was made to recommend that a rehabilitation effort be made in 2013 on a section of King Road starting at Harvest Road and continuing for approximately 2200 feet.  Cost figures were not yet available

Decision was made to recommend that a rehabilitation effort be made in 2014 on an
as yet to be identified  section of Horse Corner Road extending for approximately 2200   feet.  Cost figures were not yet available

A discussion was held concerning the traffic counts.  Chairman Hall asked Jim to combine the various sources of counts into one document and have it available  for the next meeting.

A discussion ensued concerning the creation of a report to be used for a public meeting and for the 2012 town meeting.  Assignments were made as shown below.  1St drafts are due at next meeting.
I. Introduction - Richard Debold
        A. Legal Basis and Charter
        B. Membership
II. Road Surface Management System (RSMS)
        A. Established with help of CNHRPC – Terry McCormack
        B. Inventory of roads (including database printout) - Tom Jameson
        C. Road conditions (including bar chart and sample road report) - Tom Jameson
        D. Future use for budgeting and reporting       - Doug Hall & Jim Plunkett
III. Highway Work Completed in 2011 (with costs)        - Stan Brehm & Jim Plunkett
IV. Traffic on Chichester streets (with map and history where available) – assign at next meeting
V. Proposed Major Capital Projects – John Amsden
        A. For 2012
        B. For 2013
        C. For 2014
VI. Long Range Planning (more complete report next year) – Allen Mayville and Doug Hall

The Monday October 31st meeting date has been changed to Wednesday, November 2nd  due to Halloween.   Additional meetings scheduled: Monday, November 14th & Monday November 28th.  All meetings are scheduled at 6:30 PM at the Town Highway Offices.

Motion to adjourn by Dave Dobson, Seconded by John Amsden.
Motion carried.

Adjourned at 8:20 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
John Amsden